Kells Presbyterian Church plan Jubilee BBQ and Praise Time // Sunday 5th June 2022

Kells Presbyterian Church plan Jubilee BBQ and Praise Time // Sunday 5th June 2022

Members of Kells Presbyterian Church, Co Antrim are busy preparing for a community Jubilee BBQ and Praise Time to mark Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee. It will take place on Sunday 5th June 2022 from 4:30pm.
Everyone in the area is welcome to be part of this special event, which will be held on ‘The Green’ directly opposite Kells Church.

Kells Presbyterian Church plan Jubilee BBQ and Praise Time // Sunday 5th June 2022

The congregation’s Ladies and Family Worker, Carolyn Patterson, is really looking forward to this special day. She told us: “We are hoping for a really sunny day as good weather always encourages people to come outside.”

“As well as the BBQ, we plan to have a praise time led by musicians from the Church; a selection of toys will also be available to make sure that little ones can enjoy the day too. At the end, our Minister, Rev Brian Boyd, is planning to deliver a Jubilee-themed epilogue. During this, he will reflect on Her Majesty’s 70-year reign while also pointing people to the ultimate King, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.”.

Carolyn went on to say that those who attend are invited to bring along their deckchairs and rugs –
“We are hoping that everyone will be able to relax in the sunshine and enjoy the laid-back atmosphere and the live music. We think it will be lovely for people to be able to relax, watch their children playing on the grass, listen to the music and enjoy good food in the company of neighbours and friends. Burgers, hotdogs, and soft drinks will be provided. Of course, people are welcome to bring any other elements of a picnic they fancy.”

Kells Presbyterian Church plan Jubilee BBQ and Praise Time // Sunday 5th June 2022

“The Platinum Jubilee is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion and we in Kells want to be a part of it. It’s a real opportunity to bring people in the community together to celebrate, and an opportunity for us, in the church, to meet more of the people around us”, explained Carolyn.

“Everyone in the locality is warmly invited. We will be glad to see each person who comes – young or old, churchgoer or not, with a faith or without. It will be lovely to celebrate together, as the community of Kells and Connor.”

For more information on the work and witness of Kells Presbyterian Church, log on to their website –

carolyn pattersonjubilee bbqkells and connorkells presbyterian churchplatinum jubileequeen elizabeth IIrev brian boyd