‘Youth For Christ’ to plan Ballymena Outreach at ‘inform and inspire’ evening – 30th May 2022

‘Youth For Christ’ to plan Ballymena Outreach at ‘inform and inspire’ evening – 30th May 2022

Church leaders and members are invited to an ‘inform and inspire’ evening, at which the potential to launch a ‘Youth for Christ’ outreach in Ballymena will be considered.

The meeting will take place on Monday 30th May 2022 at 7.30pm at The Hope Centre on Broughshane Street, Ballymena (The Hope Centre building is now a multi-purpose Christian outreach hub.)

Chairman of Youth For Christ (NI), Tommy Stewart told The Church Page:
“Youth For Christ, whose first employee was Billy Graham, focuses on reaching ‘unreached’ young people with the love of Jesus and works in partnership with local churches. The movement has been working in the U.K. and Ireland for 75 years.
“Currently the Christian youth outreach initiative is operating in 110 nations, including across the island of Ireland, with ten centres in Northern Ireland. As God leads, we are looking to develop further centres and so were delighted recently to have been requested, by local people, to explore developing a Youth for Christ centre in Ballymena, my home town”, added Tommy.

'Youth For Christ' to plan Ballymena Outreach at 'inform and inspire' evening - 30th May 2022

He went on to say: “We look forward to having you, and perhaps some of your friends, join Suzi McLean (our NI Director) and myself on Monday 30th May 2022 as we explore the possibility of developing Youth for Christ Ballymena.”

For more information on their work and outreach, log on to: https://www.yfcni.org

ballymenathe hope centretommy stewartyouth for christ