CD Release – ‘Just As I Am’ By Martin Moore

CD Release – ‘Just As I Am’ By Martin Moore

Popular singer and broadcaster, Martin Moore will release his latest gospel music album: ‘Just as I Am’ at the Lodge Hotel in Coleraine on Monday 16th May 2022 at 8pm. ‘Just As I Am’ has been produced by Roy Rainey from Upstream Recordings and features Roy’s wife, Mildred on piano.

Included on the CD are ten beautiful songs, including the title track, ‘Just As I Am’, ‘What A Day That Will Be’ and the ever-popular: ‘Jesus Loves Me’. Martin’s mum, Liz, can also be heard on the recording. She performs a song called ‘He Will Carry You Through’, which was written by her late father, Martin Kennedy.

Martin Moore told The Church Page that his new release has been two years in the making due to health reasons, but he believes that this is his best album to date.
He added: “I ready hope that the recording blesses people and gives them a sense of hope, especially in these difficult days we are living in.”

Due to ill health, Martin has been unable to organise his own event to launch ‘Just As I Am’. He is therefore very grateful to Dessie and Daphne Coffey for giving him a platform to launch the new music at what is essentially Dessie’s concert.
Also appearing on stage that night with Dessie and Martin will be Kellie Hanna, Fred Greenfield and members of a Ukrainian choir formed by Hebron Free Church.

Copies of ‘Just As I Am’ by Martin Moore will be available to buy at the concert at a cost of just £12.
If you can’t get along but would like to buy one, contact Sally on 07977655132 or Mervyn on 07935899290.

CD Release - 'Just As I Am' By Martin Moore
New CD release – ‘Just as I am’ by Martin Moore will be launched in the Lodge Hotel, Coleraine

Don’t forget that you can hear and see Martin on the Country and Southern Gospel Youtube Channel and through Facebook every Saturday night from 8pm-9.30pm and on Sunday from 3pm-5pm.

cd releasecolerainegospel musicjust as i amlodge hotelmartin mooreupstream recordings