More books wanted for Hope and a Future charity

More books wanted for Hope and a Future charity

Easter is a time to relax and to perhaps catch up on some reading. If you have particularly enjoyed a good Christian book over the holidays Kevin Keenan, who runs the Hope and A Future charity alongside his wife Christine, would love to hear from you.

Once again, Kevin is on the look-out for quality Christian books that are in good condition to be left in at the organisation’s main shop at 5-7 New Street, Randalstown. Please mark your donations for Kevin’s attention.

By donating a book, you will be helping people in the town of Shashemene, one of the poorest regions in Ethiopia. The team at Hope and a Future work hard to fulfil the words of Jeremiah 29 v 11 through the provision of education.

Just recently, members of Hope and a Future have also sent aid to the Ukraine to help people there:
Kevin and Christine explained: “We are so grateful to everyone who responded to the appeal to help this awful situation unfolding in Ukraine. Watching the news and hearing the stories of these poor people (just like you and me ) is heart-breaking and we are so thankful that the aid we have sent will help in some way to relieve their suffering. Our young granddaughters asked that we would put some teddies in the boxes as we packed them so the children could have them to cuddle, so teddies and other small toys have been packed. We pray with you for an end to this war and for people to be able to return to their country. As a charity we will open again for donations if it is required in the weeks to come.”

The couple added: “We also want to make Christian books available in our shops in Randalstown and Antrim to encourage our customers to read something which may encourage interest in Christian faith and may even help someone to come to a real faith in Jesus.”

More books wanted for Hope and a Future charity

If you would like to financially support the charity or have any queries, please contact Kevin on 07544 496000 or Christine on 07761 541676, or email:

christian bookshope and a future charitykevin keenanrandalstown