Live Issue plan concert for Ukraine – Craigavon Civic Centre on Friday 1st April, 2022

Live Issue plan concert for Ukraine – Craigavon Civic Centre on Friday 1st April, 2022

Live Issue is pleased to be part of a special gospel concert that has been organised to help the people of Ukraine. The concert will take place in Craigavon Civic Centre on Friday 1st April, 2022 at 7:30pm. Also on the programme are Kingdom Bound, Laura Beck and The Hanna Family.

A spokesperson for Live Issue told The Church Page:
“Thank you for the amazing response so far to this concert and for your generosity in supporting the people of Ukraine.
The Civic Centre in Craigavon has a limit on the number of seats that can be sold, so we are advising everyone to please book early if you can.
Thank you all again and we look forward to seeing you there.”

Tickets, £10.50 each, are limited and can only be purchased online at:
All proceeds from the concert will be going directly to supporting the people of Ukraine through the work of Drop Inn Ministries.

Live Issue plan concert for Ukraine - Craigavon Civic Centre on Friday 1st April, 2022

craigavoncraigavon civic centredrop inn ministrieskingdom boundlaura becklive issuethe hanna family