Your church can have a team of Neighbourhood Chaplains

Your church can have a team of Neighbourhood Chaplains

Beverley Bedford, originally from Cullybackey, will be back in Northern Ireland at the end of March and will be holding an information session about ‘Neighbourhood Chaplains’, the ministry she leads.

‘Neighbourhood Chaplains’ aims to equip and encourage church teams to reach out to people in their local communities.

Beverley says: ‘We connect churches with communities in new ways, helping tackle loneliness through befriending, and offering practical help towards meeting our neighbour’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We have been active during the pandemic providing deliveries to shielded people, and befriending the isolated in socially distanced ways. We look forward to developing the ministry of ‘Neighbourhood Chaplains’ in Northern Ireland.”

If you would like to learn more and meet Beverley, you can do so by attending a short presentation being held at 10:30am on Friday 25th March 2022 in Hillside Community Church, Ballymena. Tea and coffee will be provided.
If you plan to attend you can register your free place by emailing:

Meantime you can learn more at:

Your church can have a team of Neighbourhood Chaplains
ballymenabeverley bedfordconnect churches with communitieshillside community churchlocal communitiesneighbourhood chaplins