See ‘The Big Reveal’ at The Faith Mission Bookshop Ballymena – Monday 14th March 2022

See ‘The Big Reveal’ at The Faith Mission Bookshop Ballymena – Monday 14th March 2022

You are invited to ‘The Big Reveal’ of the new upstairs facilities at The Faith Mission Bookshop, High Street, Ballymena on Monday 14th March 2022 at 12pm.

Looking forward to letting everyone see the changes, the shop’s Manager, Andrew Houston told us: “We wanted to create a safe, welcoming and quiet space where people can come for rest, reading or prayer.

“We recognise that many of our customers come in not just looking for books, but also needing someone to talk to or pray with in a quiet confidential space outside of their normal settings. Ministers and others who are employed in full-time Christian service might also enjoy having a place to come to that is free from distraction and where reading material is available.”

“Prayer requests can also be left in a Prayer Box, which will also be located upstairs. Any messages can be deposited there, and these will be prayed for confidentially and discreetly by staff”, he added.

See ‘The Big Reveal’ at The Faith Mission Bookshop Ballymena – Monday 14th March 2022

Andrew went on to say that a brand-new coffee machine has also been installed in the revamped space: “The minimum donation we will accept for tea, coffee and biscuits is £1. We know that people who use it will be happy to pay a fair price as all the donations will go towards enabling students to study at the Faith Mission Bible College in Edinburgh.”

Visitors to The Big Reveal will also be welcome to browse the main shop area, which is also looking fresher and more welcoming than ever before.
To top it off, there is also a 25% reduction in the price of all Christian Living and Theology books.

For more information on the Faith Mission Bookshop in Ballymena, visit their Facebook page.

andrew houstonchristian living and theology booksfaith mission bible collegefaith mission bookshopfaith mission bookshop ballymenathe faith mission