Radio Cracker Ballymena fundraising distributed to charities

Radio Cracker Ballymena fundraising distributed to charities

Despite another tough year due to Covid restrictions for Radio Cracker Ballymena, they have recently announced their fundraising total for 2021 was an amazing £20,000+. This was in spite of the second year in a row with no live broadcast (all shows were pre-recorded and only available on the internet) They also were unable to hold any of the usual concerts and other fundraising events throughout the year and the shop which is usually a fantastic source of fundraising was not able to open.

But still many of the volunteers worked hard to raise funds in other ways and as always, businesses and individuals in the Ballymena area were very generous. The station was sponsored, as has been the case for many years now, by D Robinson and Son and many of the presenters were grateful for space provided by McKillens of Church Street in the town, where a studio was set up to allow the recording of their shows. In the end over £20,000 was received. Radio Cracker have posted the following on their social media platforms –

“We’re thrilled to announce that even though we weren’t able to broadcast live we still raised over £20,000 which will be distributed as follows:

  • £3,000 to Samaritans Purse for community latrines which will serve 8 communities and around 4,000 people in Ethiopia
  • £1,500 to Kids4School to purchase modesty packs of pants and tights for young girls in Tanzania.
  • £2,402 to Fields of Life to buy a rainwater harvesting tank for a school in Uganda.
  • £3,000 to Second Sight to fund Cataract Operations in Bihar State, India.
  • £1,500 to BREAD to supply 20 water tanks in Kenya.
  • £3,086 to EMMS International to buy 2 Vital Signs monitors in Malawi.
  • £1,750 to Spud Bears to fund talking bears to educate children in Laos about the dangers of unexploded bombs.
  • £1,200 for Care for Cambodia to purchase much-needed school supplies.
  • £1,200 for Tearfund to buy weatherproof seeds for families in Uganda to help tackle the challenges of changing weather patterns.”
Radio Cracker Ballymena fundraising distributed to charities

We’re sure you’ll agree this will be a blessing to so many people in several countries across the world. We pray God blesses the distribution of this money and pray that his name will be glorified.

You can find out more about Radio Cracker Ballymena on their website, where you can also listen to all the shows from the 2021 season.

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