New Connor Diocesan Readers – Peter Kirch and Michael Ogilby

New Connor Diocesan Readers – Peter Kirch and Michael Ogilby

Congratulations to Peter Kirch and Michael Ogilby who were commissioned as Connor Diocesan Readers by the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison.
The Commissioning Service was held in St John’s Parish Church, Ballyclare, on Sunday January 23, 2022.

New Connor Diocesan Readers - Peter Kirch and Michael Ogilby

At the Commissioning Service for Diocesan Readers in Ballyclare on January 23, 2022, are, from left: The Rev Peter Jones, Warden of Readers; Peter Kirch; Bishop George Davison; Michael Ogilby and the Rev Jonny Campbell-Smyth, rector of Ballynure and Ballyeaston.

Information submitted by Karen Bushby, Press Officer for the Anglican Diocese of Connor

bishop of connorconnor diocesan readersdiocese of connorkaren bushbymichael ogilbypeter kirchrt rev george davison