CJM Revival Now 2 – New Series of Teaching and Prayer for Revival with David Legge

CJM Revival Now 2 – New Series of Teaching and Prayer for Revival with David Legge

Crown Jesus Ministries have organised Revival Now 2 – a new series of Teaching and Prayer for Revival with David Legge which starts in January 2022.

Crown Jesus Evangelist, Tim Houston told The Church Page:

“Following a fantastic first series of teaching with David Legge, we’re excited for the new series of Teaching and Prayer for Revival in HOPE Chapel Lane, Belfast. Join us for five sessions (beginning Thursday 20th January 2022 at 7:30pm), as we learn about revival, pray for revival and catch the fire of revival.
We are delighted to have David Legge returning to teach and lead us in prayer.”

CJM Revival Now 2 - New Series of Teaching and Prayer for Revival with David Legge

Register your interest by clicking on the graphic above or this link – Crown Jesus Ministries events webpage.

belfastcrown jesus ministriesdavid leggeprayer for revivalrevival now