‘Excel Leadership International’ established by Tommy Stewart

‘Excel Leadership International’ established by Tommy Stewart

Excel Leadership International has recently been founded by Tommy Stewart. It is a social enterprise created by ‘Christians Who Lead’ and focused on helping Christian led organisations and businesses excel.
The associate team at Excel Leadership International are Christians, based in various nations, with extensive experience in leadership, training and consultancy.
Ballymena man, Tommy Stewart, Founder said: “If you are a Christian leading an organisation or business, or you help lead a Christian ministry or church, then we would love to be able to have the opportunity to help you excel.”
The services provided by ‘Excel Leadership International’ include:

  • leadership training
  • leadership coaching
  • strategy development and review
  • business planning
  • organisational or project review
  • needs analysis and research.

“We work with each client to develop bespoke, value for money, services”, added Tommy.
To begin a conversation please email: director@christianswholead.com and you check out the Christians Who Lead website here.

christian led organisationschristian ministrychristians who leadexcel leadership internationaltommy stewart