Many of you will have made New Year resolutions. For Ballymena lady, Joye Carson, one of her resolutions is to go on a sponsored slim for The Smiles Foundation Sunset House project.
Joye has been on several of The Smiles Foundation mission trips to Romania and knows first hand the desperate situation for many of the marginalized in the country. So not only is she keen to make a difference in her own life but also wants to make a difference for many of the people in Romania who need help.

This fundraising venture is for a brand new project just launched by The Smiles Foundation called Sunset House – a 30,000sq ft facility for the elderly, disabled and the vulnerable which will be built at the Christian charity’s Cehei headquarters and Mission Centre in north west Romania. Find out much more about the project here or watch the short ‘launch’ video below.
We asked Joye to tell us a bit more about her sponsored slim and how everyone can get involved. She said, ” With COVID and lockdown over the last two years, I have just slowly and steadily put on weight. I also have not been as keen on exercising as much. Carrying extra weight is not good for your health and so I began to feel easily tired and lethargic.
“When my dear husband Robin suddenly passed away in August last year, I found myself spending a lot of time on my own, and so out of loneliness I found my bad eating habits becoming worse as a means of comfort so I decided to begin dieting from 1st January, 2022. I wanted to make a difference to others as well as improving my own lifestyle and when a friend suggested I do it for my forth-coming mission trip to Romania at the end of April, well , I thought it was a great idea. I love those dear people of Romania who have such hard lives and very little shelter, food or clothes and so if my little sacrifice can bring the necessary basics of life to others then I’m willing to give it a try.“
Here’s how you can get involved in Joye Carson’s Sponsored Slim for The Smiles Foundation Sunset House project.
Joye went on to say, “If you feel the need to slim and would like to join me to make a difference to others please get in touch. Already one other girl has decided to give it a try! Alternatively, if you want to support me by sponsoring me, then please give me a call on 07761 956596 and I will add your name to the sponsor sheets.”