Turning Holy Nights Into Holy Days – Timeless Theological Academy

Turning Holy Nights Into Holy Days – Timeless Theological Academy

Tuesday 7th December 2021

Turning Holy Nights Into Holy Days is an event being hosted by Timeless Theological Academy (TTA) on Tuesday 7th December 2021.
It will take place at Victory Praise Community Church, Pennybridge Industrial Estate, Ballymena BT42 3HB from 8pm-9:15pm.

The evening is described as ‘A night of praise and mini-seminars to celebrate that the Christmas message really can change the world.’
A Timeless spokesperson went on to say: “This event is packed full of celebration, challenge and hope. With a mix of praise, mini-seminars and Q&A panel, the team at TTA will explore how the incarnation can radically transform individuals, communities and nations. Please spare a short time on the 7th of December to truly welcome in the Christmas season.”

Turning Holy Nights Into Holy Days - Timeless Theological Academy

Turning Holy Nights Into Holy Days is a free, but ticketed event, so why not grab yours now by logging on to the eventbrite website.

ballymenachristmas messagechristmas seasontimeless theological academyturning holy nights into holy daysvictory praise community church