Raise The Roof choir is back….on a mission!

Raise The Roof choir is back….on a mission!

Raise The Roof choir is back…..on a mission! They are in the process of building a school in Mpingu, Malawi in conjunction with E3initiative.

The teenage section from Raise The Roof are resuming after an enforced break due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They are certainly looking forward to cheering everyone up with their joyful singing and positive message of hope. Their founder and conductor, Alyson Reid shares, “It’s been a long and difficult 18 months but we have a school to build in Malawi and our teens are as passionate as ever about this incredible project!

“We will be singing at the switching on of the Christmas lights in Ballymena town centre on Thursday 18th November 2021 and also at the ‘Illuminate’ women’s conference in Causeway Coast Vineyard on Saturday 13th November 2021. We would LOVE to see you there!!

Raise The Roof choir are back....on a mission!

“Meanwhile if you would like to donate financially to help us build a school in Mpingu, Malawi in conjunction with E3 then simply follow the link below. You can read more about the work of E3 and our role in supporting them on the E3 website. Thank you!!”


alyson reide3initiativemalawiraise the roof choir