Clare and Amir Arian are continuing to serve of the Lord with Hamsayah International Ministries in London.
Their work suffered a setback when Amir became unwell in late summer. Happily, he is now on the road to recovery and he has set himself a new challenge.

Clare explained more saying: “In August, while in Northern Ireland, Amir took very unwell and had to fly back to London for further testing. He had been suffering from severe headaches and in the end his left eye closed while experiencing double vision. After excellent NHS care he was diagnosed with Third Nerve Palsy and we praise God that he is now slowly recovering with a change to his lifestyle and diet, while taking a break from ministry demands.
“Walking has been recommended as being a massive step to overall wellness (pardon the pun) so he would love to use this new pastime to help others.”
Amir said, “Before I became unwell I was planning to travel to Greece to help the refugees there. Now, I’d like to offer up my walking to help those who have walked hundreds of miles, through many borders, to find a place of refuge.”
So would you (or someone you know) be able to help?
Refugees in Greece – The Situation
The Greek system for asylum seekers is substandard leaving many starving and homeless. As winter is fast approaching and with it harsher conditions, we’d like to help with providing hot meals, blankets & basic family needs for those living in the camps. We’re working with a partner organisation (who has a close association to Acts 29) as they are based there and the majority of those they minister to daily are from Iran & Afghanistan. Along with this practical help given, they have seen many respond to the Gospel message and hundreds be baptised and discipled.
The Plan
In October 2021 (oops already started) Amir aims to walk an amazing 150 miles to raise a whooping £5000 to help these refugees.
At the time of writing, he’s already completed 41 miles so he’s well on his way. Go Go Amir!
How to Give:
We understand that no one can help everyone but everyone can help someone. So if you can give, regardless of the size of the gift, we will ensure it reaches Greece safely.
Please click this link if you would like to donate to Amir’s walk and be sure to earmark it for ‘Refugees in Greece’. (Remember to Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK taxpayer).