Applications invited for Youth and Children’s Worker at Cullybackey Methodist Church

Applications invited for Youth and Children’s Worker at Cullybackey Methodist Church

Cullybackey Methodist Church are seeking to appoint a Youth and Children’s Worker.

Applications invited for Youth and Children's Worker at Cullybackey Methodist Church
Position of Youth and Children’s Worker required at Cullybackey Methodist Church

A spokesperson for Cullybackey Methodist Church told us:
The successful candidate will work to provide pastoral care for children and teenagers within Cullybackey Methodist.
He or she will be tasked with helping them grow and develop in their faith and as young leaders. This role also involves the opportunity to co-ordinate youth & children’s led services, facilitate and lead engagement with IMYCD events and forging links in the community and local schools.
If you’re passionate about seeing children and young people thrive and take their place in God’s mission we invite you to apply!”

For more information and to download the application pack log on to: Completed application forms need to be received no later than Friday 24th September 2021 at 12 noon.

children and teenagerschildren and young peoplecullybackey methodistcullybackey methodist churchyouth and children's worker