Can you help with The Smiles Foundation Container Challenge?

Can you help with The Smiles Foundation Container Challenge?

In a few weeks time The Smiles Foundation will be sending out a container from Ballymena, full of much needed essential supplies, to the charity’s headquarters in Bihor County, Romania. Can you as an individual or as part of your church group help to fill it? If so, please get in touch with Adrian Pogue, Smiles Northern Ireland ambassador, for more information. His email address is

Can you help with The Smiles Foundation Container Challenge?

For several years now, a container has left Ballymena bound for Romania packed full of essential items which gives The Smiles Foundation team there an opportunity to bring much needed support and show God’s love in a very practical way to many of the area’s most vulnerable and needy people. Unfortunately Covid put a halt to that, with no containers going out there since 2019, but thankfully with restrictions easing, planning is well underway to get another one filled and delivered to the Smiles Mission Centre by mid-October. We asked Adrian, the NI Smiles ambassador to tell us more.

“We are excited to be once again in the position where our volunteers here in NI and in the mainland can begin the process of filling a container. Donations have already begun to arrive at our store in Ballymena, including a van load of items from England and Wales. Another van is to follow from Scotland, but it takes a lot to fill a 40 foot trailer!!

This is where we hope you will help us. Click this link for The Smiles Foundation Container Challenge wishlist, and please share among your friends, family, church or school group.

Can you help with The Smiles Foundation Container Challenge?
Donations for The Smiles Foundation Container Challenge are starting to arrive. Are you willing to help them fill the container with essential supplies?

“We would love you to help us ensure this container leaves Ballymena packed to the back doors. These essential items, eg personal hygiene products, cleaning products, nappies, etc, are so important to give us the means to ensure that our projects are doable and effective. Those projects include elderly care, assisted living, work with the homeless, education, outreach and evangelistic events and much more.

“We are very grateful once again to McBurney Transport who have offered to take the container to Romania, so please get in touch with me if you would like to help us meet this year’s Container Challenge.”

You can find out about the work and mission of The Smiles Foundation on their website.

mcburney transportromaniathe smiles foundationthe smiles foundation container challenge