Crown Jesus Ministries plan GO Groups module – starting September 2021

Crown Jesus Ministries plan GO Groups module – starting September 2021

Crown Jesus Ministries are planning to start a GO Groups module beginning on Monday 20th September 2021 from 7:30pm. Those who register can look forward to six fortnightly online sessions.

Crown Jesus evangelist, Tim Houston, explains a little more about the course.
“GO Groups Module 5: B.L.E.S.S. – 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbour & Change the World – beginning Monday 20th September.

Inspired by Dave & Jon Ferguson’s book of the same name, this 6-session zoom module will be exploring 5 organic and authentic ways to share Jesus with friends, neighbours & co-workers. We’re excited to be joined by the authors, Dave & Jon Ferguson, live from Chicago, in several sessions for teaching, encouragement and a Q&A. Whether on your own, or as a church small group, join a GO Group for module 5 and be part of a growing movement across Ireland and beyond wanting to share our faith in Jesus with others!”

Book your place for this GO Groups module on the eventbrite website here.

Crown Jesus Ministries plan GO Groups module - starting September 2021
crown jesus ministrieseveryday ways to love your neighbourgo groupsgo groups moduletim houston