Treasure Hunt & BBQ – New Dawn Church, Broughshane

Treasure Hunt & BBQ  – New Dawn Church, Broughshane

on Saturday 28th August 2021

Members of the New Dawn Evangelical Fellowship invite you to a Car Treasure Hunt and Barbeque on Saturday 28th August 2021.
Participating cars will leave the Car Park at The Sheddings, Broughshane, BT42 4LX at 6pm. The cost to take part in the Treasure Hunt will be £10 per car with the Barbeque being charged separately.
All proceeds will go towards the Church Building Fund.

Treasure Hunt & BBQ  - New Dawn Church, Broughshane

Looking forward to the fundraiser, a New Dawn Church spokesperson told The Church Page: “We would love to see you and your family at our Treasure Hunt and BBQ on Saturday 28th August! Everyone is welcome!”

For more information on the New Dawn Evangelical Fellowship, visit their Facebook page.

broughshanechurch building fundnew dawn churchnew dawn evangelical fellowshipthe sheddings