Crown Jesus Ministries seek Creative Evangelist –

Crown Jesus Ministries seek Creative Evangelist –

Closing Date: Monday 16th August 2021

Crown Jesus Ministries are currently seeking to recruit a Creative Evangelist to join their staff team.

Crown Jesus Ministries seek Creative Evangelist

The successful candidate will report to the organisation’s Chief Operators Officer, Amanda Mitchell who told us:

“We are currently recruiting for a Creative Evangelist who will be a talented graphic designer with the ability to provide high level media, design and creative support to all departments keeping the ministry at the cutting edge of creativity and digital content. The ideal candidate will have strong creative skills and a portfolio of work which demonstrates their passion for design and adaptability alongside the ability to develop and maintain our website to a high standard and create content for our social media platforms.”

The closing date for applications is Monday, 16th August 2021

For more information and details on how to apply, go to

amanda mitchellcreative evangelistcrown jesus ministriesdigital content