Anniversary Services at Ballymena Independent Methodist Church – Sunday 6th June 2021

Anniversary Services at Ballymena Independent Methodist Church – Sunday 6th June 2021

Members of Ballymena Independent Methodist Church are looking forward to celebrating the congregation’s 45th anniversary with two special services on Sunday 6th June 2021. These will be held at 11:30am and 6:30pm respectively.

Both gatherings will be enriched by the ministry of anointed preacher, Rev Eric Stewart, now retired, who was a former minister of Coleraine Independent Methodist Church. He and his wife Yvonne are currently involved in an online ministry called Christian Faith Ministries Ireland which includes sharing a weekly programme called Glad Tidings Hour on Facebook and on the ministries website

Worshippers at the evening service will also be blessed with the opportunity to hear gifted trio, Revelation, minister in song.

Anniversary Services at Ballymena Independent Methodist Church - Sunday 6th June 2021

Both services are certain to be memorable and unmissable. For more information on the fellowship, log on to their Facebook page here.

45th anniversaryballymena independent methodist churchchristian faith ministries irelandrev eric stewartrevelation