Flourish Suicide Prevention Initiative Self-Care Training Online

Flourish Suicide Prevention Initiative Self-Care Training Online

Despite the pandemic Flourish! – the interdenominational suicide prevention initiative – has continued to offer training opportunities for clergy and other Church based professionals.

The next training initiative will focus on Self-Care and will take place online on Wednesday 26th May 2021 from 10am-1.30pm.  Registration is now open.

Flourish Suicide Prevention Initiative Self Care Training Online

Explaining more, Claire Hogarth from Flourish told The Church Page:
“The aim of these training modules is to explore the relationship between the theological understanding of suicide and how this translates into pastoral action.”
“We invite all clergy, youth workers, lay pastoral staff and staff representatives from Churches of all denominations to attend.”

For more information or to register for the Training Day, email info@wewillflourish.com or visit the Flourish! website here.

claire hogarthflourishflourish suicide prevention initiativestaff representatives from churchessuicide prevention initiative