Ballymena Church Members Forum plan anniversary event

Ballymena Church Members Forum plan anniversary event

The Steering Committee of Ballymena Church Members Forum is working with the Museums and Heritage staff of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council on a project ‘Looking Back to Look Forward: Mid and East Antrim 1921-2021.’

Jennifer McLernon, who chairs the Forum, told us: “We hope to present a ‘snapshot’ of church life in Ballymena around the years 1920-22 which will contribute to a larger exhibition and booklet.”

“If you or anyone you know are in possession of items which you could copy or loan to us for this purpose please let us know and we will get back to you to discuss. We would be particularly interested in receiving photographs of congregational/parish events and group activities, medals or badges, copies of parish/church magazine or hymnaries”, said Jennifer.

If you have any information you would like to share, email:

Ballymena Church Members Forum plan anniversary event

For more information on the Ballymena Church Members Forum, log on to their website here.

ballymena church members forumchurch life in ballymenajennifer mclernonmid and east antrim borough council