Child Evangelism Fellowship Armagh launches YouTube channel

Child Evangelism Fellowship Armagh launches YouTube channel

Gareth and Lindsay Gwynne are the Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) workers in Armagh. As a result of lockdown restrictions, the Good News Clubs and school assemblies have had to be postponed for now.
However, Lindsay revealed that they have come up with an innovative way of continuing to reach children for Jesus. She says,

“We set up a YouTube channel that has Good News Club videos and school assembly videos. They can be used in schools, homes and churches. It would be great to encourage people to subscribe to the channel.”

You can subscribe to the CEF County Armagh YouTube channel and watch all their videos here.

Lindsay continued, “CEF County Armagh is packed with loads of amazing stories from the Bible. Boys and girls can log on and watch stories about God’s Heart of Kindness, Sending Out The Gospel and much more.”

Child Evangelism Fellowship Armagh launches YouTube channel

Lindsay has also been taking time to learn Makaton, a language used by people who have a variety of forms of communication difficulties.
She said: “I began learning Makaton last year and originally decided to record a story about Christmas for children who are hard of hearing. The recording went done very well so I have now made a second one about The Boy Who Feeds A Crowd.”

“This is already on our YouTube Channel and I will be doing some more in the same way. At this time when we can’t reach out in the normal way both Gareth and I have been looking at other ways to reach children with the good news of Jesus. As part of this, we feel it is important to recognise that some children need to be reached in different ways. The Lord made all children in His image, He loves them equally and wants to invite them all into his Kingdom”, adds Lindsay.

If you feel the videos on the CEF County Armagh YouTube channel would be beneficial to your family, school, church or youth group, just click here where you can subscribe to their channel and watch the videos.

cef county armaghchild evangelism fellowshipgareth and lindsay gwynnegood news club