Two ‘Music For Christmas’ Concerts will be held via Zoom by Drumalis Retreat Centre, Larne on Friday 18th December and Monday 21st December 2020 at 7:30pm.
Although you can’t be there in person, organisers would love you to join them via Zoom at a cost of £15 per person.
A Drumalis spokesperson told us:
“Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas for us in Drumalis without Music for Christmas so, after exploring the technical side of it, we’re delighted that the Voices Chamber Choir under the direction of Loreto McAuley will be with us again this year, albeit in a virtual way! The concerts will take place via Zoom at 7:30 pm on Friday, 18th December and Monday, 21st December 2020
“We invite you to take part from the comfort and safety of your own homes. We are looking forward to hearing our wonderful soloists, choir and musicians, as well as familiar carols. Perhaps you’ll have a few nibbles and your preferred drink to hand so that it is part of the celebration.
“It’s our nineteenth year – imagine! We are sorry that we can’t all be together in Drumalis, but want to gather in some way to mark the end of a rather challenging year. Let’s hope that we’ll be sharing music in our usual way in 2021.”
You can book your virtual place for the ‘Music for Christmas’ concerts via Zoom now

If you would like to book a place, please email We welcome credit and debit card payments during office hours – telephone 028 28272196/ 28276455 (Mon-Fri, 9 am-5 pm). Payment can also be made by bank transfer – bank details are: Name of Bank: Ulster Bank, Place of Bank: Larne Branch, A/C Name: Sisters of the Cross and Passion, A/C Number: A/C 10011910, Sort Code: 98-09-40
To assist processing bank transfers, we would appreciate it if you would please use your name and ‘Music For Christmas’ to identify your payment.
You can find out more about Drumalis on their website here.