You can book now for an Advent Day of Reflection which will be held via Zoom on Saturday 19th December 2020 from 10am-4pm. Hosted by Drumalis, this will be led by Sister Pam Thimmes OSC.
Sister Pam is a Poor Clare sister living at the Poor Clare Monastery in Faughart, Co Louth. She teaches Scripture in each of the Drumalis Adult Faith Development programmes and in the Permanent Diaconate programmes for several dioceses. Sr Pam is also an experienced and popular spiritual director and retreat leader, as well as a working photographer.
A spokesperson for the organisers told The Church Page:
“For most of us, 2020 has been an unprecedented time – a time of change, loss and grief, confusion, discovery, wonder and uncertainty. In some ways it has been an extended advent (arrival, emergence). Isaiah’s words came to his people in exile. This day of reflection will allow us to bring these feelings and experiences of exile and newness of life into focus and perceive anew Christ born among us and living among us. Our souls, like Mary’s have been pierced and transformed. Let us open our hearts to God’s newness born each day among us. Do we see it and how do we live it?”
If you would like to book a place, please email
We welcome credit and debit card payments during office hours – telephone 028 28272196/ 28276455 (Mon-Fri, 9 am-5 pm). Payment can also be made by bank transfer – bank details are: Name of Bank: Ulster Bank, Place of Bank: Larne Branch, A/C Name: Sisters of the Cross and Passion, A/C Number: A/C 10011910, Sort Code: 98-09-40
Cost for the Day of Reflection is £20 per person or £30 per household.
To assist processing bank transfers, we would appreciate it if you would please use your name and “Advent” to identify your payment.

For more information on the Drumalis Retreat Centre, log on to their website here.