10Plus Radio–The Life Worth Living ~ Friday 6th November 2020 broadcast

10Plus Radio–The Life Worth Living ~ Friday 6th November 2020 broadcast

The team at 10Plus Radio–The Life Worth Living are excited about their next set of shows. These will be broadcast for the first time on Friday 6th November 2020 from 7pm to 11.30pm. (UK Time)

Roz Bowyer will be on with The Honeypot Hour – Words and Music to Lift the Soul – from 7pm-8pm. Join her for uplifting music and an inspiring glance into the beautiful language of Hebrew.

On Books That Bless, Jayne Dunlop will be looking at ‘The Pursuit of God’ by AW Tozer as well as playing some great Christian worship songs.

Coaching4Christ founder, Stephen Crawford will be chatting to Joe Boyd on Transformations from 9pm. Tune in to discover how God has worked in Stephen’s life and used him to reach hundreds of young people through sport.

Amanda Clarke is also preparing another amazing Ordinary People Serving An Extraordinary God show. Prepare to be inspired, uplifted and changed by her programme.

Allison Minford will round things off at 11pm with a reflection based on the Wise and Foolish Builders and a short time of praise.

“We have been getting some incredible listening figures over recent weeks – particularly on Sunday night”, said Joe.
“This is due to the hard work of all our presenters and the blessing of God on our ministry. We praise Him for allowing us to serve in this way and hope that people will continue to join us on our exciting journey.”

10 Plus Radio – The Life Worth Living – can be heard every Friday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evening from 7pm to 11:30pm. Click here to listen.

10plus radioallison minfordamanda clarkejayne dunlopjoe boydroz bowyerthe life worth living