Drive-In Countryside Gospel Evening in Downpatrick

Drive-In Countryside Gospel Evening in Downpatrick

Friday 28th August 2020

An All-Vehicle-type Drive-In Countryside Gospel Evening will be held on Friday 28th August 2020 from 7:30pm.
The venue will be Murphy’s Field on the Ballylucas Road, Downpatrick BT30 8AZ, an area located between the Castlescreen Road and the Corbally Road.

Well known evangelist, John Weir will be speaking while music and testimony come courtesy of John Porter.

A spokesperson for the organisers told The Church Page:
“Come and hear how you can know Jesus in a personal way, and how this will prepare you for the future.
“The meeting will last no more than one hour but eternity lasts forever.”

‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners’ (1 Timothy 1:15)

Drive-In Countryside Gospel Evening in Downpatrick

Social distancing measures will apply throughout this event – attendees are asked to remain in their vehicle.
For directions to and further information about the Drive-In Countryside Gospel Evening in Downpatrick, telephone 07510 507021.

downpatrickdrive-in countryside gospel eveningjohn porterjohn weir