Free Bible Lesson plans from The Good Book Company

Free Bible Lesson plans from The Good Book Company

The Good Book Company are keen to help out in the current climate of home Sunday Schooling by offering free lesson plans based on some of their most popular children’s books.

Northern Ireland’s Representative for The Good Book Company, Robin Fairbairn told The Church Page:
“We realise that many parents are still looking for ways to occupy their children during the week and on Sunday mornings, whether they’re going to church or not.

That’s why we’re offering FREE lesson plans to go alongside our storybooks, starting with The Storm That Stopped – link to the free plans here.

You can also pick up a copy of the book, The Storm That Stopped, at a discounted price on the website here.”

Free Bible Lesson plans from The Good Book Company

The Good Book Company has been in operation since 1991, striving to produce Bible study, training and evangelism resources which are faithful to God’s inspired Word. It’s aim is to support and encourage the spread of the gospel by providing resources that help Christians grow in their understanding and love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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