Bangor Worldwide has released details of its plans for Convention week 2020 during a launch event held online. The theme for the summer Convention which takes place between Friday 21st and Sunday 30th August 2020 is: ‘To the ends of the earth’.
All of the events will be streamed over the internet, available to watch live on Bangor Worldwide’s Facebook page and You Tube channel.
Chairman Tom Clarke said, “This was our first online launch in our 84-year history but given the circumstances, it was good to be able to connect virtually with our friends and supporters. We used this as an opportunity to release information about our new format and to encourage people through spending time in The Scriptures together.
“This summer, we are delighted to have Gary Millar lead our weekday Bible studies at 11.30am. Gary is the Principal Principal of Queensland Theological College in Australia so he will be recording his Bible talks from Brisbane. He has chosen ‘Living in the Light of His Coming’ looking at 1 Thessalonians as his theme for the week.
“Other guest speakers will be recording talks all over the world so we are not losing out on hearing what God is doing in other countries and continents. Special music items will be recorded and included in our broadcasts as well. We hope this new format will introduce new people to the Convention as they can watch from the comfort of their own sofa!”
The special speaker at the online launch was Rev David Meredith, Mission Director for the Free Church of Scotland. You can watch the launch event again online here.

For more information on all the online events taking place during the convention, visit the main website here or follow on social media @BangorWorldwide on Twitter, Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention on Facebook.