Cultivating Dreams – Mission Possible report

Cultivating Dreams – Mission Possible report

Mission Possible supports several Street Children projects in Bogota, Colombia. They have recently returned from a trip there and have sent us the chairman’s report. It’s encouraging to read how God has been blessing the mission, but as you can see in the final paragraph, they encourage us to support and pray for the many children who live there, particularly in the slum areas, who will be drastically affected by Coronavirus restrictions.

Cultivating Dreams

Joe Law, Mission Possible chairman, begins his report by sharing a message from Luz Ma who manages the two Hope Houses in Bogota.

“To everyone who supports the work of Mission Possible …… I want to thank you all for your kindness and generosity with which you have shown God’s love by supporting the children within the two homes.  Only God can put the desire in your hearts to sustain in such a decisive way this dream that began through Mission Possible.

Mission Possible chairman, Joe with Luz Ma, manager of the Hope Houses in Bogota

We have always asked God to lead and guide us as we reach out in love to the vulnerable little children by providing them with a loving, caring and secure home in order to break the cycle which has trapped generations in poverty and crime. God is good and always present; thank you for giving these children the opportunity to cultivate their hopes and dreams for a brighter future.”

 Matthew 25 v 40:  “The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”

Some encouraging news from the trip

Sadie and I were accompanied by fellow Board member Trevor Morrow during our trip to the children’s projects in Bogota at the end of February.

We have been very encouraged and our hearts have been deeply touched by the love, care and lasting improvements in the lives of children who attend our projects.  A great example of this is the story of Luis:

Luis lived in a house which was made from old cardboard boxes and he suffered much from neglect, abuse, beatings and malnutrition.  He stole food from street bins and he had to eat very fast in case other bigger children would take it from him.   At the age of five he was rescued and brought into Hope House where he struggled to understand that he didn’t need to gulp down his food as there would be more available.  For that reason, he had to be gently spoon fed to stop him from being sick.

This is what Luis says about living in Hope House:

“In Hope House they protect me, they don’t beat me or abuse me.  They don’t say bad words. Here I feel safe with a close family who love me and who teach me about God.  I was made welcome, regardless of my background. I have been given opportunities that I never dreamt of having.”

Trevor was greatly touched when he met the children and particularly those who attend the Culture Centre project in Juan Rey.  As well as receiving a nutritious meal each day, it was very encouraging to find that the children are now being taught various crafts and given much needed help with basic educational subjects such as Math’s.  Bible teaching is a top priority and children do not eat their meal until they first give thanks to God.

Please pray for the children in Bogota as Coronavirus restrictions will dramatically affect their daily lives

We have just heard with the last few days that as the children are not permitted to come to the project due to the Corona Virus restrictions, the leaders are taking parcels of food and gospel tracts to their homes.

We would appreciate your on-going support and especially your prayers for the children and leaders at this difficult time.  In particular, please pray for the children from the Juan Rey district who are confined to their homes where a parent may not be able to protect them, give them food or the care that they need.  They will be extremely vulnerable as they find themselves roaming the streets and subject to the many evils and abuse that exist there.

Thank you and may you know God’s protection, love, comfort and peace during these very difficult times.”

Joseph Law – Chairman

Find out more about Mission Possible on their website here.

bogotacolombiacoronaviruscultivating dreamshope housemission possiblestreet children