Ballymena Salvation Army host Coffee Morning

Saturday 14th March 2020
Ballymena Salvation Army host Coffee Morning

Ballymena Salvation Army is holding its first Coffee Morning of the year on Saturday 14th March from 10:30am – 1pm. Everyone is invited to come along.
The venue will be the Salvation Army premises at 3 Waring Street, Ballymena BT42 2BU.

Doreen Armstrong and Donna Bryce are organising the Coffee Morning.
They told us: “There will be Tea, Coffee, Cakes, Buns & More!
It is a perfect opportunity to contact a friend and save the date! There is plenty of seating available, so come along, have some treats and a much needed catch-up!
No-one free to come with? Don’t worry, there will be enough of us there on the day, so come and meet someone new!
We will have a few crafters at this event too, if you would like to purchase a little treat for yourself or maybe even for Mother’s Day.
• Crafty Touch By Michelle
• Nutty Crafters
• KV Line
• Fashion Jewellery
All with have some fab offers running on the day!”

Ballymena Salvation Army host Coffee Morning

Ballymena Salvation Army host Coffee Morning

Saturday 14th March from 10:30am – 1pm

Salvation Army Hall, 3 Waring Street, Ballymena

Entry is FREE with freewill donations going to The Salvation Army Big Collection.
For more information about the Salvation Army in Ballymena, visit their Facebook page here.

ballymenaballymena salvation armyballymena salvation army host coffee morningsalvation army