An Evening With Adrian Adger at Hillside Community Church, Ballymena

Friday 6th March 2020
An Evening With Adrian Adger at Hillside Community Church, Ballymena

On Friday 6th March 2020 at 8:00pm, Hillside Community Church, Ballymena will be having a special evening with Adrian Adger, author of the book ‘Facing Cancer Standing Tall’

Here is a little more about Adrian:
At the age of fifty-four, Adrian Adger – church minister in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and recently married – discovered he had inoperable, incurable cancer. He was full of questions: Why me? Is God punishing me? Is my life effectively over? Should I pray for healing? Will I ever know joy again?”

An Evening With Adrian Adger at Hillside Community Church, Ballymena

A spokesperson for Hillside Community Church told us:
“By sharing his journey with us, Adrian explains the extraordinary difference that Jesus Christ has made to him as he faces a bleak diagnosis. Although Adrian is facing cancer, he is ‘standing tall’—and not only because he is over 6 feet 7 inches tall.”

You can go to the Hillside Community Church Facebook event page herewhere you can let them know if you are going. The church is asking everyone to share the details of this event with their friends and family.
First time visitors can find Hillside Community Church at Doury Road, Ballymena BT43 6SA

adrian adgerballymenafacing cancer standing tallhillside community church