Church and Community Art Project – Care for Creation

Church and Community Art Project – Care for Creation

Care for Creation – a church and community arts project in Ballymena.

On Thursday 6 February 2020 the first piece in an innovative Arts Project went on display in Midtown Makers, Church Street, Ballymena. The artwork has been created by several groups and individuals from St Columba’s and St Patrick’s churches and the wider community. 5th Ballymena Scouts and Cubs, Church Lads Brigade, Girls’ Friendly Society, Youth Club and Mother and Toddler Group members were among those who have illustrated, through the medium of art, global issues such as pollution and climate change. The intriguing piece will remain on display in Midtown Makers throughout February.

Church and Community Art Project - Care for Creation

Care For Creation Arts Project

A number of other churches in the town and district have also hosted workshops led by professional artists.

All the work will be exhibited in the Braid Arts Centre from Monday 23rd to Saturday 28th March 2020 with selected pieces going on display in 14 bus shelters around Ballymena town, Ahoghill and Cullybackey for a further couple of weeks.

The project is promoted by Ballymena Church Members Forum in partnership with Mid and East Antrim Borough Council who have provided the funding and guidance through the Arts Officer Rosalind Lowry.

arts projectballymenaballymena church members forumbraid arts centremid and east antrim borough councilmidtown makers