Faith at the Musicals Tour at two Northern Ireland venues

Friday 13th and Saturday 14th March 2020
Faith at the Musicals Tour at two Northern Ireland venues

Date for your diary – Faith at the Musicals Tour to visit two N Ireland venues.

Faith at the Musicals is hosted by Tearfund and the performances will take place at

  • Causeway Coast Vineyard, Coleraine on Friday 13th March 2020 
  • Carnmoney Church, Newtownabbey on Saturday 14th March from 7:30pm-9:30pm on both nights.

Faith at the Musicals Tour at two Northern Ireland venues

What’s it all about….

‘Get ready to be transported by this talented group of performers and singers to the stages of Les Misérables, Phantom of the Opera, the Greatest Showman and many more of the nation’s favourites…

West End Has Faith is a group of Christian professional singers working in musical theatre. We are so excited to partner with them and join together to present the Faith At The Musicals Tour. As well as the magnificent music, they’ll be sharing their own stories and speaking about the work of Tearfund’s partners in Uganda.

It’s going to be an inspiring and fun-filled evening – the perfect event to invite friends and family to. And at only £6 a ticket, it’s amazing value! Family tickets are available at £18 for four people.’

Tickets available now for Faith At The Musicals Tour –

  • Causeway Coast Vineyard, Coleraine on Friday 13th March 2020

  • Carnmoney Church, Newtownabbey on Saturday 14th March

Grab your tickets now by logging on to the eventbrite website here.

Causeway Coast Vineyard is located at 10 Hillmans Way, Coleraine, BT52 2ED and Carnmoney Church is situated at 258 Carnmoney Road, Newtownabbey BT36 6JZ

carnmoney churchcauseway coast vineyardchristian professional singerscolerainefaith at the musicalsnewtownabbeytearfundwest end has faith