Revive Meeting at the Braid Arts Centre, Ballymena

Friday 21st February 2020
Revive Meeting at the Braid Arts Centre, Ballymena

The next meeting of REVIVE will take place on Friday 21st February 2020 in the glass atrium at the entrance to the Braid Arts Centre, Bridge Street, Ballymena BT43 5EJ, starting at 7pm.

Open to all with a heart for revival, REVIVE calls for God’s people to arise, assemble and advance God’s Kingdom purposes on earth.

Revive Meeting at the Braid Arts Centre, BallymenaOne of the main organisers of REVIVE is well-known author, teacher and Christian speaker Ruth Gregg. She has just released her latest book which is entitled: ‘Times of Refreshing – Spring Devotional’

Encouraging others to grab a copy of the book, Alan Sheppard, who is also involved in REVIVE said:
“If you have been reading Ruth’s Winter devotional book you will know what to expect and you will not be disappointed.
Both books are real spiritual food for our soul. I can thoroughly and whole-heartedly recommend Ruth’s latest devotional book to you.
Copies are available direct from Ruth or on Amazon and also the Faith Mission Shop on High Street, Ballymena.”

Times of Refreshing – Spring Devotional by Ruth Gregg

Ruth will also be at the Faith Mission Shop in Ballymena on Saturday 15th February 2020 from 2pm – 3pm to sign copies of the book and she would love to see you.

You can keep up to date with news and other events at REVIVE on their Facebook page here.

ballymenabraid arts centreheart for revivalreviveruth greggspring devotionaltimes of refreshing