‘Prepared To Go’ Training Day

‘Prepared To Go’ Training Day

Booking is available now for a ‘Prepared To Go’ Training Day hosted by Mission Action Partnership and Belfast Bible College. It’s being held on Saturday 28th March 2020 from 9:30am to 4pm at Belfast Bible College, Glenburn House, Dunmurry, Belfast BT17 9JP.

This is a day of training for those preparing for cross-cultural ministry on short-term mission trips.

'Prepared To Go' Training Day

Mission Action Partnership say, “With short-term mission appropriate training can make all the difference to an individual or team’s ability to have a positive experience and make a significant impact on those who they go to serve and work amongst.

‘Prepared to Go’ provides practical interactive training, with time for questions and discussion, aims to help prepare individuals, team leaders and members of teams who will be engaging in short-term mission.

The training will be led by people with experience of sending and supporting short-term mission teams overseas.”

At the training day you will learn about the Biblical basis for mission, cross-cultural engagement, health and security issues as well as working as a team player or leader. There will also be a choice of seminars dealing with more specific areas of sharing the Gospel to those you will be in contact with on your mission trip.

‘Prepared To Go’ Training Day for short-term mission trippers

on Saturday 28th March 2020

at Belfast Bible College

The cost of the training is £10 and includes tea/coffee throughout and lunch. Registration at 9:30am and the event begins at 9:45am and will finish at 4pm. Payment needs to be made in advance. To find out more or to book your place you can either phone the MAP office at 028 9030 6173 or book online here.


belfast bible collegeglobal connectionsmission action partnershipprepared to goshort-term missionshort-term mission teams