St Columba’s Parish, Derryvolgie, Lisburn plan Alpha Taster Night

Wednesday 5th February 2020
St Columba’s Parish, Derryvolgie, Lisburn plan Alpha Taster Night

Parishioners at St Columba’s Parish Church in Derryvolgie, Lisburn are planning an Alpha Taster Night for Wednesday 5th February 2020 at 7:30pm.

The venue will be Froth Coffee and Sandwich Lounge, 7 Harmony Shopping Centre, Lisburn, BT27 4HP

St Columba’s Parish, Derryvolgie, Lisburn plan Alpha Taster Night

St Columba’s Rector, Rev James Boyd told The Church Page: “We all have questions, whether it’s “Why am I here?”, “What should I do?”, “How can I know that there is a God?” or dozens like them. Alpha is a great way of discussing these questions in a friendly and safe environment.
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that allow you to explore the meaning of life and faith. There is no pressure, rather a simple presentation and discussion on different topics. Come along and see why over 24 million people worldwide have tried Alpha.
We’re running this Alpha taster session in Froth Coffee and Sandwich Lounge and we’d love you to join us!”

Alpha Taster Night

Froth Coffee and Sandwich Lounge, Harmony Shopping Centre, Lisburn

Wednesday 5th February at 7:30pm.

For more information about the Alpha Taster Night, contact James via

You can keep up to date with news and events from Derryvolgie Parish on their Facebook page here.

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