Fork Supper with Gospel Hymn Sing at New Dawn Broughshane

Fork Supper with Gospel Hymn Sing at New Dawn Broughshane

You are invited to a Fork Supper with Gospel Hymn Sing organised by New Dawn Evangelical Fellowship, Broughshane. The event takes place on Saturday 18th January 2020 at 7pm. The venue is Houston’s Mill, Guide Street, Broughshane.

Fork Supper with Gospel Hymn Sing at New Dawn Broughshane

This is a fundraiser for Just Older Youth (J.O.Y) Senior Citizen’s Ministry. The minimum donation has been set at £5 per person.

Contact Adrian Dowds on 07885 754449 if you would like to reserve a place/s at the Fork Supper with Gospel Hymn Sing. You can find a map and directions to Houston’s Mill, if needed, here.

For more information and news of other events and services held at New Dawn Evangelical Fellowship, click here to go to their Facebook page.


broughshanefork supper with gospel hymn singhouston's milljust older youthnew dawn evangelical fellowshipsenior citizen's ministry