Find out about the history of Lyle Hill at Lylehill Presbyterian Church

Monday 3rd February 2020
Find out about the history of Lyle Hill at Lylehill Presbyterian Church

You are warmly invited to an evening in Lylehill Presbyterian Church to find out more about what was discovered during an archaeological excavation on Lyle Hill which took place in 1937. What promises to be a very informative night, especially for those with an interest in Irish history, takes place on Monday 3rd February 2020 at 7:30pm. Admission is free and a light supper will be served.

Find out about the history of Lyle Hill at Lylehill Presbyterian Church

Adding a little more detail the organisers say,

“In the early 1930’s a RAF pilot with an interest in archaeology, who was flying over Lyle Hill, noticed a mound on the top of the hill. It was excavated in 1937 – 1938 by Estyn Evans, Queens University and proved a most interesting Stone Age/Neolithic site dating back to about 3000BC

John Martin from Killinchy who has an interest in Archaeology and creates replica pottery found on such sites, has agreed to give a talk and present a replica funerary vase to the church to create a wider awareness of what existed on Lyle Hill.

To help with catering please let us know by 27th January if you are coming. Contact or 07712049633.

Keep up to date with news and events at Lylehill Presbyterian Church on their Facebook page here.

archaeological excavationarchaeologyhistory of lyle hillirish historyjohn martinlyle hilllylehill presbyterian church