Christmas Fair and Coffee Morning at St Patrick’s Parish Church Ballymena

Saturday 7th December 2019
Christmas Fair and Coffee Morning at St Patrick’s Parish Church Ballymena

A Christmas Fair and Coffee Morning will be held at St Patrick’s Parish Church, Ballymena on Saturday 7th December 2019 from 10am-1pm.

Come along and enjoy tea, coffee and various festive treats. You can along browse various craft and gift stalls with all proceeds going toward Parish Funds.

Christmas Fair and Coffee Morning at St Patrick's Parish Church Ballymena

St Patrick’s Parish Church is located at Castle Street, BT43 7BT Ballymena. For more information about the Parish of Kilconriola and Ballyclug, visit their website here or find them on Facebook here.

ballymenaparish of kilconriola and ballyclugst. patrick's parish church