‘Give A Child A Chance’ at West Presbyterian Church, Ballymena

Thursday 5th December 2019
‘Give A Child A Chance’ at West Presbyterian Church, Ballymena

Give A Child A Chance’ is taking place at West Presbyterian Church Ballymena on Thursday 5th December 2019 from 10:30am-12:30pm.
This event is organised by Evangelical Alliance, who are especially encouraging key leaders within churches and anyone who can help to resource others, to come along.

Explaining more, Rev Daniel Kane, minister of West Church Ballymena told The Church Page:
“The fight for the unborn didn’t end on 22nd October. You can still make your voice heard.

What: A government consultation has been launched (which closes on December 16th 2019) asking the public what they want Northern Ireland’s abortion laws to look like.

Why: As people made in God’s image – as people with voices to speak – it’s our responsibility to care for the most vulnerable, broken and weak in our society. We’re concerned about the impact of this legislation upon women, backing them into a corner during crisis pregnancies where choosing life is the most difficult path. There are none more vulnerable than those who have no voice, so we must speak up for them.

‘Give A Child A Chance’ at West Presbyterian Church, Ballymena

How: At this event, we’ll make this government consultation easy to digest and introduce some simple ‘how to’ guidance for filling out responses. We especially encourage key leaders within churches to come along (Pastors, Assistant Pastors, Small Group leaders etc) – anyone who can help to resource others. We will resource and equip you to make your voice heard on behalf of the unborn.

As we prepare to celebrate the arrival of our King as a helpless and vulnerable baby, let’s use our voices to speak for every child in our country. Let’s give a child a chance this Christmas.”

‘Give A Child A Chance’ at West Presbyterian Church, Ballymena

Thursday 5th December 2019 from 10:30am-12:30pm

To register for this free event, visit the eventbrite website here

abortion lawsballymenachoosing lifeevangelical alliancegive a child a chancewest church ballymenawest presbyterian church