Revive meeting at the Studio Theatre, Braid Arts Centre, Ballymena

Friday 15th November 2019
Revive meeting at the Studio Theatre, Braid Arts Centre, Ballymena

The next Revive meeting will take place on Friday 15th November 2019 starting at 7pm. The venue is the Studio Theatre in the Braid Arts Centre, Ballymena.

As always, Revive is open to all with a heart for Revival. The gathering calls for God’s people to arise, assemble and advance God’s Kingdom purposes on earth.

Ruth Gregg is looking forward to delivering the Word. Mr Alan Sheppard will give historical testimony to early revival in Scotland.

A spokesperson for Revive said: “These are uncertain times politically, economically and socially. However, we can be sure that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is keen to draw people back to Himself.”

“Our ambition is to provide a space to seek God’s face together, offer worship that resonates with holy passion, pray earnestly and hear God’s Word on revival. There is also a blend historical testimony of what God has done in the past with glorious expectancy of what He can do today.”

‘Lord, You have been favourable to your land; Will You not revive us again that Your people may rejoice in You?’ (Psalm 85, verses 1 and 6)

The next Revive meeting – Friday 15th November 2019

Braid Studio Theatre, Ballymena

starting at 7pm.

The Braid Studio Theatre is located at 1 – 29 Bridge Street, Ballymena BT43 5EJ, part of the Town Hall/Braid Arts Centre complex.

Find Revive on Facebook here to keep up to date with their news and events.

ballymenabraid arts centrebraid studio theatreheart for revivalrevival in scotlandreviverevive us againruth gregg