Coffee and Craft Morning at Portballintrae Village Hall

Saturday 19th October 2019
Coffee and Craft Morning at Portballintrae Village Hall

A Coffee and Craft Morning organised by the ladies of Dunseverick Baptist Church will be held in Portballintrae Village Hall on Saturday 19th October 2019 from 10am-12noon.

A range of beautiful crafts will be available to see and buy and you can also enjoy some rich coffee, refreshing tea as well as some lovely scones and buns!

Ballymena author and journalist, Joe Boyd is also looking forward to sharing his testimony there.

Born in July 1977, the 42-year-old was born around six weeks prematurely. Survival lay in the balance for a time before Joe and his twin brother, Mark were allowed home five weeks after their birth.
Mark developed normally but Joe missed his early milestones. Unable to sit up or walk, his parents were told that their son was ‘retarded’ when he was one-and-a-half.

A meeting with a young doctor sometime later led to a more optimistic diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy, which is a physical disability. Afterwards, Joe thrived educationally throughout primary school, displaying a talent for writing.

Thanks to the determination of his Godly mother, Joe and his siblings were brought up in the Lord and Joe made a commitment to Christ aged about six.

A transfer to an unsuitable special school when he was eleven led to numerous psychological and educational problems for Joe who was again written off as being ‘slow to learn’ aged 14.

In His abundant grace and mercy, God restored Joe’s life and he is now married to Rachael having graduated twice and spent nearly 25 years working as a journalist. After 18 years with the Ballymena Times, Joe joined The Church Page in 2015. To date, he has written two books, including his autobiography ‘Trading Places: Hopelessness to Happiness’, released by Timeless Publications earlier this year.

A Coffee and Craft Morning in Portballintrae Village Hall

on Saturday 19th October 2019 from 10am-12noon.

This event is being organised by the ladies of Dunseverick Baptist Church. Click here to find out more about the church on their Facebook page.

coffee and craft morningdunseverick baptist churchportballintraeportballintrae village halltimeless publicationstrading places: hopelessness to happiness