Divine Healing Ministries organise ‘A Cry For Mercy’ Prayer Day

Sunday 13th October 2019
Divine Healing Ministries organise ‘A Cry For Mercy’ Prayer Day

Divine Healing Ministries in Belfast are calling on Churches throughout the province to join them in ‘A Cry For Mercy’ Prayer Day on Sunday 13th October 2019 – a day of praying against the liberalisation of Abortion Laws in the province.

Fergus McMorrow, who is the Director of Divine Healing Ministries, told The Church Page:

“We are joining with many Christians and with the Church across Northern Ireland in a fresh call to unite in prayer. As we swiftly approach 21st October, Northern Ireland could have the most liberal abortion regime in Europe if Stormont has not reconvened.

We would love if every Church congregation in Northern Ireland would open their doors all day (even in between services in the afternoon) on SUNDAY 13th OCTOBER 2019, so people can drop in and pray about these matters. The day has been entitled ‘A CRY FOR MERCY’.

A prayer has been carefully formatted which you can use in your Church. A handout will be made available in a short while to give prayer guidelines. Please spread the word among Christians and Churches you know”, he added.

A Cry for Mercy Prayer Day –

Sunday 13th October 2019

Divine Healing Ministries organise ‘A Cry For Mercy’ Prayer Day
For more information on Divine Healing Ministries, visit their Facebook page here.

a cry for mercya cry for mercy prayer dayabortionabortion lawsbelfastdivine healing ministriespraying against the liberalisation of abortion lawsunite in prayer