Four new priests ordained in Connor Diocese

Sunday 8th September 2019
Four new priests ordained in Connor Diocese

Four new priests were ordained in Connor Diocese at a service in St Patrick’s, Ballymena, on Sunday 8th September, 2019.

The Rev Peter Blake was ordained for Antrim Parish; the Rev Emma Carson was ordained for Ballymena and Ballyclug; the Rev Stu Reid was ordained for Ballymoney, Finvoy and Rasharkin; and the Rev Maithrie White-Dundas, was ordained for St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast.

They were ordained by the Rt Rev Patrick Rooke, Bishop of Tuam, Killala and Achonry, as the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy is currently on sick leave receiving treatment for prostate cancer.

Four new priests ordained in Connor Diocese

Pictured at the service of ordination of priests in St Patrick’s, Ballymena, Diocese of Connor, on September 8th are, front row, from left: The Rev Stu Reid; the Rev Maithrie White-Dundas; the Rt Rev Patrick Rooke, Bishop of Tuam, Killala and Achonry; the Rev Emma Carson and the Rev Peter Blake. Back row, from left: The Rev Canon Mark McConnell, rector, Ballymena and Ballyclug; the Rev Canon William Taggart, registrar; Archdeacon Stephen McBride; Archdeacon George Davison; Archdeacon Paul Dundas; the Rev Clifford Skillen, bishop’s chaplain and the Rev Canon Kevin Graham, diocesan director of ordinands. Photo: Norman Briggs.

Read more news from Diocese of Connor on their website here.

ballymenaconnor diocesediocese of connorfour new priests ordainedrev emma carsonrev maithrie white-dundasrev peter blakerev stu reidst patricks