September 2019 events at St Patrick’s Parish Church, Broughshane

September 2019 events at St Patrick’s Parish Church, Broughshane

September 2019 is certain to be a busy month at St Patrick’s Parish Church in Broughshane.

‘Back to School Sunday’

For starters, there is ‘Back To School Sunday’ on 15th September 2019. This will be an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for everyone who helps with all aspects of children’s ministry.
Sharing in this celebration of the Church family will be Rachel Sheppard, who is the E3 Schools Worker for Scripture Union in Ballymena.

September 2019 events at St Patrick's Parish Church, Broughshane

Morning Call services

Sunday 22nd September will see the return of the very popular Morning Call services which will run from 10:00am until 11:15am.
Similar services will be held on Sunday 27th October 2019, 24th November 2019, 22nd December 2019.
Explaining more about these, Rev Dr Andrew Campbell, who is Rector at St Patrick’s, Broughshane, told us:
“Morning Call is back! It’s an informal family friendly church service at St Patrick’s Church of Ireland in Broughshane. Beginning at 10:00am we meet to chat over tea/coffee and toast, followed by a time of informal worship in a child friendly environment at 10:30am.
This year we’re going to look at how the bible fits together; how it’s not just a collection of stories about God, but one big story about Jesus. So join us and be part of our community.”

September 2019 events at St Patrick's Parish Church, Broughshane

St Patrick’s Parish Church, Broughshane is located at Rathkeel Road, Broughshane BT42 4NH.
For more information about the Parish, log on to their website here or find them on Facebook here.

back to school sundaybroughshanee3 schools workermorning call servicesrachel sheppardrev dr andrew campbellst patrick's church of ireland