Praise Night for Goshen Ministries at Victory Praise, Ballymena

Friday 20th September 2019
Praise Night for Goshen Ministries at Victory Praise, Ballymena

A Praise Night for Goshen Ministries will take place on Friday 20th September 2019. The venue will be Victory Praise Community Church, Pennybridge Industrial Estate, Ballymena and the evening gets underway at 7:30pm.

The night will feature worship and drama by people from various churches. Admission is free although an offering in support of Goshen’s Ministries upcoming mission trip to Kenya will be taken.

Praise Night for Goshen Ministries at Victory Praise, Ballymena

Praise Night for Goshen Ministries

Friday 20th September 2019

Victory Praise Community Church, Pennybridge Industrial Estate, Ballymena

Founder of Goshen Ministries, Joyce Kerr, told the Church Page: “We are really looking forward to the Praise Night. We give a special invitation to everyone in the Goshen Ministries family to come along and bring their friends.”
Joyce added: “We believe that God wants the Kingdom of God to be manifested on the earth as it was with Israel when God sent Joseph ahead of his brethren so that there was a place called Goshen for Israel to dwell in at the time of trouble. We believe God can provide a place like this today through His people. A place of family, a place of provision, a place of protection and a place of multiplication.
We hope that the name of Jesus will be lifted high and honoured by what we do on Friday 20th September 2019.”

For more information on Goshen Ministries, visit their Facebook page here.

ballymenagoshen ministriespennybridge industrial estatepraise night for goshen ministriesvictory praise community church