Raise the Roof Kids Choir news

Rehearsals begin again and big family fun night planned
Raise the Roof Kids Choir news

Some exciting Raise the Roof Kids Choir news – rehearsals start again and news of a great Family Fun Night!!

Members of the Raise The Roof Kids Choir will be starting REHEARSALS again on Saturday 7th September 2019!! They will run from 4pm-5:30pm at Ballymena Academy.

What’s more, they are having an evening of BIG FAMILY FUN including a BBQ, line dancing and auction on Friday 13th September 2019 at Ballymena Rugby Club at Eaton Park. This is open to absolutely everyone!! So save the date!! Tickets (£10/£5 Children U12) will be available on Saturday 7th September at the rehearsals or reserve yours by emailing – raisetheroofni@gmail.com

All proceeds will go to the ‘Raise the Roof’ school in Malawi.

Raise the Roof Kids Choir news

So what is Raise the Roof Kids Choir all about?

Raise the Roof Kids Choir news

Founded in 2012, Raise the Roof Kids Choir is based in Ballymena and is directed by local musician, Alyson Reid, who also leads the Voice of Hope choir.

Raise the Roof consists of around 60 local young people aged from seven years and up. Their goal is to raise funds to build a seven classroom school in Uganda by giving concerts. They made their debut appearance in the Braid Arts Centre, Ballymena in January 2013. Since then they have given numerous performances including Stormont and the Dalriada festival, Glenarm.

Alyson told The Church Page: “The choir is diverse and members come from all sectors of the community. Together we celebrate the creativity of our local children and our vision is to help the children of Uganda find hope for the future.
Watch out for us as we travel to our events in our wonderful Raise the Roof big yellow bus.”

For more information on the Raise The Roof choir, log on to their website here or find them on Facebook.

alyson reidballymena academyballymena rugby clubraise the roof big yellow busraise the roof choirraise the roof kids choirvoice of hope choir