120th Anniversary Event at Belfast Cathedral

Saturday 7th September 2019
120th Anniversary Event at Belfast Cathedral

Belfast Cathedral are celebrating the 120th anniversary of the Laying of the Foundation Stone on Saturday 7th September 2019. They say,

“Imagine heading into your church to worship on a Sunday while the walls of this great Cathedral were literally raised around you…!!

That is what happened during the construction of Belfast Cathedral, known locally as St Anne’s and to whom the building is dedicated.”

120th Anniversary Event at Belfast Cathedral

The foundation stone was laid on September 6th 1899. Building began around the old church, which continued to be used for services until the end of 1903, by which time the tower of little St Anne’s had been dismantled and the church was no longer visible from the street! For five months the congregation worshiped in the Clarence Place Hall in May Street.

A Belfast Cathedral spokesperson inviting everyone to celebrate this significant milestone, said:

“Join us at Belfast Cathedral on Saturday 7th September and meet architect Sir Thomas Drew, Constance Ashley-Cooper – Countess of Shaftesbury who laid the foundation stone, and Henry O’Hara, the Dean of Belfast Cathedral in 1899.

Our Victorian guests from Footsteps NI will be telling their stories and reliving memories from 11:30am-1pm and again from 1:30pm to 3pm.

There will also be fun arts and craft activities for kids to enjoy!

Bring your family and friends to learn more about the history of the Cathedral and the Victorian era!”

Normal admission fees apply.

Read more news form Belfast Cathedral on their website here.

120th anniversay of the laying of the foundation stonebelfast cathedrallaying of the foundation stonest anne'svictorian era